Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When removing a mole do you go to a dermatologist or a surgeon?

im kind of confused..

i want to get it removed as soon as possible..

help?When removing a mole do you go to a dermatologist or a surgeon?
Dermatologist, they will etheir remove it themselves or send you to a sergeon, but usually they can do it themselves.When removing a mole do you go to a dermatologist or a surgeon?
Dermatologist and sometimes your own family doctor can do it, mine removed two for me. A surgeon is only needed if it is something like a cancerous tumor. They will just give you a little local anesthetic agent to numb it up then they will just cut it off. It does not hurt, usually there are no stitches they may burn it a little to stop it from bleeding but you wont feel a thing.
Dermatologist or Surgeon...I cant't remember..I had one removed like 10 years ago

I need help too people!!!;鈥?/a>
you definately need to go to your doctor who would refer you to a skin specialist if she or he believes there to be any concern. if you are wanting to remove if for looks then still go to your doctor and they will most probably suggest a surgeon
Your family doctor can do simple ones. Anything deeper or larger would need to be done by a dermatologist. However I believe you have to be referred by your family doctor so start there. You may walk out mole free on that same day!
i was advised by a plastic surgeon to do it with a plastic surgeon because they close up the area better than a dermatologist. i'm speaking about one on your face or some area you might be self-conscience about otherwise a dermatologist is fine. i would trust my dermatologist for removal.
i had a mole on my foot that i had removed..your gonna go to a* Dermatologist so he can acess it ,than they will decide if it needs to be removed..and they can do it usually in the medical clinic where they work . no worries
Go to a Good Dermatologist, first.. they will determine or help you to determine the best method.

How much it would cost to go see a dermatologist without insurance?

i have problems with sun spots on my face like redness from the sun and heat and stuff like that. and i have dark spots from pimples too. i dont think my insurance will cover it. so how much it would cost for a consultation? and how much for the products that they gonna give me? and how long would it take to get rid of it? i'm 14 by the way. thanks alot!How much it would cost to go see a dermatologist without insurance?
It really depends on a couple of things. If you have insurance, you should first check and see if an appointment will be covered. You may need a referral from your primary care physician. If not, different doctors charge different prices, especially if you're paying out of pocket. Derms are usually VERY expensive. There may be a larger price tag for your first appointment, and different prices for your follow ups. And last, what you pay will depend on the treatment the dermatologist prescribes for you. Any procedure done in the office (like using lasers, or peels) will cost more than a prescription. However, a prescription, like differin for example, will still run you around $150. Find a good doctor, and they may start you off with some samples!

Hope this helps!

How much does it cost to go to a dermatologist in Philadelphia ?

It depends on what Dermatologist you go to. Every physician has their own prices. Just call the office of the dermatologist you want to see and ask how much it would cost for an office visit.
  • cream blush
  • Talking to a dermatologist about my ance?

    I have mild acne and I am a 13 year old boy. What should I tell my dermatologist to prescribe me for my mild acne because I wouldn't know what to tell them.Talking to a dermatologist about my ance?
    You don't tell them anything, they'll look at your skin and prescribe what they think is best.Talking to a dermatologist about my ance?
    you have mild acne, so no problem. just try honey mask twice a week. you can rub ice cube on your face .avoid greasy foods, eat more vitaminated food.don't forget about water. it works, i hope

    How much college is required to become a dermatologist?

    1.) I have had a 4.0 since 5th grade, i am in 8th now

    2.) what classes should i take in high school

    3.) how much college is it

    4.) will i get a scholarship if i keep a 4.0 and get a high score on the ACT

    5.) would you recomend taking both ACT and SAT

    6.) how much money is college if i dont get a scholorshipHow much college is required to become a dermatologist?
    it's all subjective... i would speak with your counselor at school and maybe they can clarify some things for You. good luck and keep up the good workHow much college is required to become a dermatologist?
    2. math,science,psychology,english

    3. scholarships ,loans, grants, federal work study , work in retail or

    call center 20-30 hrs a week.

    4. Yes

    5. Sat

    6. Check number 3

    Can any dermatologist do a skin cancer screening?

    never had one before, can i just go to any derm?Can any dermatologist do a skin cancer screening?
    YES. You also can do one yourself in front of a full-length mirror...anything you see that you even THINK is suspicious should be reported to your dermatologist who will check it out and let you know.

    Can any dermatologist do a skin cancer screening?
    A dermatologist is a specialist in diseases of the skin and that includes skin cancer. You need to check with your insurance provider because some insurances need a referral from your family doctor before they will pay for this. Then, by all means - make an appointment.

    Will going to a dermatologist really work?

    I have really bad acne, all over my face. And sometimes is get unbelievable. So, i was wondering, instead of just using over the counter creams etc that don't work, will going to a dermatologist actually work? I'm really tired of acne. I can't remember the last time I had clean skin. I must have been in 8. I'm 16 now.


    Thanks :DWill going to a dermatologist really work?
    I'll tell you the truth. Don't go. dermatologists don't work. All they do is make you pay a lot of money for stuff that doesn't work. All they do is guess, even they don't know what causes acne. Will going to a dermatologist really work?
    A dermatologist is your best bet. I also have had bad acne and i used to try everything over the counter like proactive, clearsil, clean and clear... etc. Anyways my doctor prescribed me tazorac and a antibiotic minocyline. They have worked wonders. The antibiotic kills bacteria internally that causes acne. Tazorac can possibly make your acne worse at first because it is pulling out pimples from under your skin that have not reached the skin surface yet, but it they would have came out eventually anyways.

    So after those pimples heal ( which tazorac speeds up the healing process) you should not get anymore pimples.

    I would also advise making sure your face is clean using a good cleanser 2-3 times a day. I use neutrogena foam wash which works great !

    Hope this helps :)
    i went to the doctor and they prescribed me retin-a. now i don't have as much acne as before but i have markd left over which will fade over time and retin-a also helps with that.

    i aslo tried over the counter products and they didn't do much. so if i were you i would go to the doctor.
    Yes, going to a dermatologist will most definitely work. I used to waste money buying over-the-counter products, but when nothing worked. I headed over to a dermatologist and he was able to prescribe me a cream that actually works.

    Good luck! [:
    go to the doctor and ask for a Benza Clin prescription

    it's a benynzol peroxide gel that will really help clear up your acne
    Head there at the very least there are a few things they can try.

    It should help - especially if nothing over the counter helped.