Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How much does a dermatologist make annually?

Anyone have any information on the average salary of a dermatologist? Ive seen 400k to 2mil, 150-200k, and many other ranges, im just hoping someone can help narrow it down for me.How much does a dermatologist make annually?
I guessing it could range from 150K to 300K depending on location, city, and specialty within dermatology. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos074.htmHow much does a dermatologist make annually?
It depends on if they are just clinical dermatologists or if they do cosmetics (Botox, Resylane, lasers, face peels, etc.) or if they perform inpatient surgeries. Some do all three, some only do clinical, etc..... that's why there is such a broad range. Add the cosmetics and surgeries, you've got yourself a high roller :)
400K to 2 Mill, what currency?

120K - 250K sounds more realistic.

For annual gross avg. dermatologist US$ salary visit below website.


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