Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's the likelihood that my acne will be sorted if I go to the local dermatologist?

The GP I went to see gave me two boxes of tablets and Freederm and said there could be a change. If there is no change, I'll have to go to a dermatologist. Are dermatologists usually good at sorting this kinda thing?What's the likelihood that my acne will be sorted if I go to the local dermatologist?
Yes a good one should be! They have done years of extra studying in this particular area and specialities like dermatology are very competitive so they have to know their stuff. They will most likely put you on roacutane or antibiotics.

good luck!What's the likelihood that my acne will be sorted if I go to the local dermatologist?
firstof all how old are you.could be a normal thing. get with your parents and see how they faired in the zit thing. then look at your soaps and body washes. my mom had acne until her late 30s. i get it a little and i am in my 40's. so you might want to consult your parents. go see a doc if you want but they cannot beat genetics. some things just take time. we all had the acne thing going for us when we were in our teens early twenties.
Ya but in my experience DONT TAKE ACUTAINE!!! One of the biggest regrets of my life. I just went in for basic like face acne. I mean I didnt have it too bad but wanted it to be sure. And well my freaking back exploded!!! Like no joke. I got these zitsx1000. It destroyed my back and left huge scare so deep they cant even be like removed by surgery. And I never had back acne before I took it. Ughhh getting mad just thinking about it!!!
absolutely, you probably should have gone there in the first place.
well they are experts there so if it isn't going to go away, they wouldn't charge money
Well, hate to tell you this, but skin products and antibiotics (which is what doctors give you) only push back SYMPTOMS for a little while (the further the less), they don't eliminate the CAUSE of the condition. And it's good for doctors 'cause this way you'll always be coming back for more and stronger (and more expensive) drugs.

Your acne is just an alarm bell of things going wrong in your system, so instead of covering it up you should try and get things straight.

Here's how.

First thing, you've got to remove all caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, soda and also alcohol from your diet. (You may reintroduce moderate amounts of those later on when you get better, but not now.)

Secondly, you've got to drink no less than 2 quarts of water DAILY. This is what your body requires, this is what you don't supply, this is (mostly) why you have the problem. In your case it's about skin, in somebody else's it might be whatever else. Drink pure filtered unboiled H2O in 8 to 10 ounce portions right after you get up, 30 minutes before each meal (try to eat 3 moderate meals a day), two and a half hours after each meal, right before going to bed and spread the rest (if any) evenly through the day. And put a little pinch of salt (w/o iodine) on your tongue to dissolve after each glass.

To help battle the problem from the outside you can also use salt water baths. Mix 1 kg of salt (w/o iodine) into a warm bath and get there for 30 minutes before going to bed. Repeat every other 10 days.

Also get more active physically. Get more sun and fresh air. Work up more sweat. At least brisk walk for 30 minutes every day and use stairs instead of elevator whenever possible.

As to your diet, eat moderately, cut down on fat and sugar, never use artificial sweetners, eat more fruit and vegetables, nuts. Opt for natural, simply prepared, not overprocessed foods in general.

I bet you're gonna see things changing in a couple weeks.

Also, you might want to do some additional reading on how important H2O and sodium are to everyday functioning of the body, so check out the links below. Good luck.

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