Saturday, December 26, 2009

What sorts of college courses are required to be a dermatologist?

And what does the career involve doing each day?What sorts of college courses are required to be a dermatologist?
A biology major would be your best route to go if dermatology is what your interested in. The career would depend on what you want to do. You will have to go to med school to be a skin doctor, but a bachelor's will allow you to work for certain shampoo or makeup companies.What sorts of college courses are required to be a dermatologist?
To become a dermatologist, you take the same ';sort'; of courses as any other medical doctor. During residency, you specialize.

It's best to shadow a dermatologist, if you'd like to learn what they do.
You'd need a 4-year college degree (major in anything and take the premed classes in bio, chem, physics, math, and English), 4 years of medical school, and 5 years of residency before you could get a job on your own as a dermatologist.

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