Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How do you diagram/label the word dermatologist?

dermatologist is a noun, so it put into a sentence diagram as a subject, direct object, or object of a preposition. It depends on the context.

As a subject, ';My dermatologist is great.';

As a direct object, ';You should see my dermatologist';

As an object of a preposition, ';There's a good magazine at my dermatologist';How do you diagram/label the word dermatologist?
greek ';derma'; means skin...How do you diagram/label the word dermatologist?
Dermatologist is a noun describing a skin doctor. It depends on where in the sentence in falls as to how it's diagrammed. In a sentence such as ';The dermatologist agreed to see her';, the word is the simple subject and would be on the main line, separated from the verb ';agreed'; with a line between, and with ';the'; (adj) off it. In a sentence like ';She visited the dermatologist';, it's a direct object and should extend from the verb (visited).

Not sure this is what you want; hope it helps.

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