Sunday, April 25, 2010

There is no more fluid in a blister on my foot, should I cut off the dead skin myself, or see a dermatologist?

I burned my foot walking on concrete a few weeks ago (don't ask) and now the fluid is all gone out of my blister. Is it okay for me to cut off the dead skin, or should I go see a dermatologist for professional help?There is no more fluid in a blister on my foot, should I cut off the dead skin myself, or see a dermatologist?
Let it fall off naturally. That skin is there to protect the new skin beneath and prevent further infection. Burns are more complicated than other sorts of blisters. Removing the skin yourself increases the risk of scarring an infection. You don't want to be walking around on tender raw skin.

You can use Aquaphor and cover it with a bandage to loosen the dead skin if you like. Just don't remove it manually and never use anything sharp on yourself.

If the burn was extensive or you have real concerns, yes, you should see a physician.

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