Sunday, April 25, 2010

What are 5 reasons you would want to get out of a dermatologist internship?

I'm interning and they asked me what 5 things i want to get out of this summer internship. If you were in my position, what would be the 5 things you would want to get out of it?What are 5 reasons you would want to get out of a dermatologist internship?
learning more skill to be able to help more people.

more experience in solving skin problems (one of the hardest things to do with the knowledge they are giving you)

IF it was me more ways to diagnose what skin layer the problem was originating at, associating the information they were teaching me with the information with German New Medicine鈥?/a> this is the association of emotional shocks with illnesses.

Then I would be more easily able to help my patients with Australian Bush Flower Essences and avoid the drug route that tends to mask symptoms and does not cure.

and it would help me get that piece of paper that would make me a doctor and not just a health consultant that treats using ABFE and having more results than the traditional drug route.

But then you would be a real student really learning how to use these alternative methods to really cure clients. Otherwise IMO you are in for a frustrating practice doing it the drug method.

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